Patchouli Essential oil 5ml



Steam distilled from the dry leaves of the Pogostemon patchouli plant.

19 in stock

SKU: EOpatchouli Category: Tags: ,


Spray cleaner can be made by blending

10 drops of Patchouli Essential Oil

10 drops of Orange Essential Oil

and diluting the blend in a 470 ml bottle of warm water.

This can be used to clean any surfaces including counters, walls, and floors.


Massages & body care

Body massage:  use 1 to 6 drops essential oil for 10 ml carrier oil

Face care: use 1 to 3 drops of essential oil for 10 ml carrier or base

Sleep: 1-2 drops smoothed onto a pillow may reduce insomnia and promote the faster onset of deeper sleep by reducing anxiety and improving sleep quality.

Diffuse Patchouli: Diffuse 3-4 drops in your favorite diffuser for a calming effect or while meditating.

Combat Stress: After a stressful day combine diluted peppermint with patchouli oil and apply to the forehead, back of neck, and temples.

Calm Down: Add to fractionated coconut oil and massage into bottoms of feet to calm emotions.

Soothing Bath: Take a warm bath with 5 drops of Patchouli oil blended into 1 cup epsom salt and 15ml carrier oil of choice.

Healthy Hair: Massage 4 drops of oil into your scalp for healthy hair and dandruff prevention or you can add to your conditioner.

Minimize Scars: Apply 1-2 drops of oil directly to scars to minimize their appearance.

Cool Down: Rub a few drops of diluted oil onto the neck and stomach to reduce body temperature.



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