Loofha 25cm

(5 customer reviews)


The perfectly imperfect shape of Loofah itself says how natural & raw it is. Our fibrous, dried loofah is a good to go sponge to wash your body and to shed off dirt.

Loofah sponges from the luffa plant have historically been used as scrubbers. Benefits and uses of a loofah include:

  • using with soap to lather up and cleanse your skin
  • exfoliating the skin on your body and face
  • stimulating blood circulation while you shower or bathe

Medium size 30cm long , approx. 5cm in diameter

5 in stock

SKU: loofha Category: Tag:


After you use your loofah, you should pay attention to how you’re maintaining it each day.

Instead of simply hanging it in your shower or on a bath hook, use a dry towel to thoroughly wring out moisture and get it dry. Put it in a cool, dry place outside of your bathroom when you’re finished.

You should also clean your loofah every week.  Regularly cleaning your loofah with a diluted water mixture of 10 percent bleach may reduce your risk of bacterial contamination.

Dip it in the mixture for 5 minutes. After cleaning, rinse it thoroughly with cool water and dry it out completely before putting it somewhere cooler to hang.

To use loofahs safely, you need to replace them often

5 reviews for Loofha 25cm

  1. Amanda Camacho (verified owner)

  2. Monique Adlem (verified owner)

  3. Marileen Jooste (verified owner)

  4. Aloma (verified owner)

    I was impressed with the length and straightness of this loofa.

  5. Rookshana Tilly (verified owner)

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