Organic White Sage Leaves

(4 customer reviews)


Dried, loose sage pieces, perfect for small cleansing and small incense burners.

Our Organic White Sage was gathered in a responsibly, ecologically sound, and respectful way.

The most-used types of sage have antimicrobial properties. This means they keep infectious bacteria, viruses, and fungi at bay.

White sage (Salvia apiana) is also antimicrobial and has been shown to repel insects.


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You can also light and burn sage to improve odor, fragrance, and mood.

Simply waft sage smoke in and around your home. You can place the bundle in a fireproof bowl or burner and allow it to smoke for a while.

A 2016 research project for the University of Mississippi established that white sage (Salvia apiana) is rich in compounds that activate certain receptors in the brain. These receptors are responsible for elevating mood levels, reducing stress, and even alleviating pain.


Did you know that mosquitoes don’t like the smell of white sage? If this scent is in your home, they would rather stay away.

White sage leaves are very light. So watch out that no ash particles or sparks start flying around. Burn the leaves in a place where the wind is not blowing too hard, and always stay close as soon as you light them.

You can spread the smoke from the sage extra well with a fan.


What to do after a smudge

Make sure your smudge stick is completely extinguished. You can do this by dabbing the lit end into a small bowl of ash or sand.

Check the end closely to make sure there are no more embers burning. Once it’s completely put out, store it in a safe, dry place out of the sun.

4 reviews for Organic White Sage Leaves

  1. Aimee (verified owner)

  2. Anne (verified owner)

    Would be nice to add a few more stalks 🙂

  3. Ben Miles (verified owner)

  4. CINDY GRUBIC (verified owner)

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